Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Biginius Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. (Biginius.com) These Terms and Conditions govern your use of our scholarship acquisition services. By engaging with our services, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully before proceeding. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, you may not use our services.

2. Definitions
  • “Biginius.com” refers to the entity providing scholarship acquisition services.
  • “Client” refers to the individual or entity engaging with Biginius.com for scholarship acquisition services.
  • “Services” refer to the scholarship acquisition services provided by Biginius.com, including but not limited to assessing eligibility, preparing applications, and providing guidance throughout the scholarship acquisition process.
  • “Scholarship” refers to any financial aid, grant, fellowship, or other form of financial assistance awarded to individuals for educational purposes.
3. Eligibility

By engaging with our services, you represent and warrant that you meet the eligibility criteria for scholarship acquisition services provided by Biginius.com You must be of legal age and have the legal capacity to enter into a contract with us. If you are engaging on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to these Terms and Conditions.

4. Service Agreement

Engaging with our scholarship acquisition services constitutes a binding service agreement between you and Biginius.com The service agreement outlines the scope of services to be provided, the fees payable, and other relevant terms and conditions governing the relationship between the client and the consultancy.

5. Scope of Services

Biginius.com provides scholarship acquisition services to assist clients in identifying, applying for, and securing scholarships for educational purposes. The scope of services may include but is not limited to:

  • Assessing the client’s eligibility for various scholarships.
  • Researching and identifying suitable scholarship opportunities.
  • Assisting with the preparation of scholarship applications, including essays, resumes, and letters of recommendation.
  • Providing guidance and support throughout the scholarship acquisition process, including interview preparation and follow-up communication with scholarship providers.
6. Fees and Payments

6.1 Consultancy Fees: Clients engaging with Biginius.com for scholarship acquisition services may be required to pay consultancy fees. These fees are determined based on the scope of services provided and are outlined in the service agreement.

6.2 Payment Terms: Consultancy fees are payable according to the payment terms specified in the service agreement. Payment may be made by bank transfer, credit card, or other agreed-upon payment methods. Payment must be made in full and cleared before the commencement of services.

6.3 Non-Refundable Fees: Certain fees, such as application fees, processing fees, and consultancy retainer fees, may be non-refundable. Clients are responsible for understanding and acknowledging the non-refundable nature of these fees before engaging with our services.

7. Client Responsibilities

7.1 Accuracy of Information: Clients are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information to Biginius.com for the provision of scholarship acquisition services. Any inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided may affect the quality and effectiveness of the services.

7.2 Compliance with Deadlines: Clients are responsible for complying with all deadlines and requirements set forth by scholarship providers and educational institutions. Failure to meet deadlines or submit required documentation may result in the rejection of scholarship applications.

7.3 Communication: Clients are responsible for maintaining open and timely communication with Biginius.com throughout the scholarship acquisition process. Clients must promptly respond to requests for information, feedback on drafts, and other communications from the consultancy.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

8.1 Ownership: All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, in materials prepared by Biginius.com as part of the scholarship acquisition services, remain the property of the consultancy.

8.2 License: Upon payment of consultancy fees, clients are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the materials provided by Biginius.com for their personal and educational purposes only. Clients may not reproduce, distribute, or modify these materials without prior written consent from the consultancy.

9. Confidentiality

9.1 Confidential Information: Biginius.com agrees to treat all information provided by the client as confidential and to use it solely for the purpose of providing scholarship acquisition services. This includes personal information, academic records, financial information, and any other sensitive information disclosed by the client.

9.2 Non-Disclosure: Biginius.com agrees not to disclose or share any confidential information provided by the client with third parties without the client’s express consent, except as required by law or to fulfill the obligations under the service agreement.

10. Limitation of Liability

10.1 Disclaimer: Biginius.com makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the outcome of scholarship applications or the success of clients in securing scholarships. The consultancy provides services on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and clients engage with our services at their own risk.

10.2 Limitation of Liability: In no event shall Biginius.com be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the provision of scholarship acquisition services, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of data, or loss of reputation.

11. Termination

11.1 Termination by Client: Clients may terminate the service agreement with Biginius.com at any time by providing written notice to the consultancy. Termination may be subject to certain conditions, including the payment of outstanding fees and expenses incurred by the consultancy.

11.2 Termination by Consultancy: Biginius.com reserves the right to terminate the service agreement with a client at any time if the client breaches these Terms and Conditions or fails to comply with the obligations outlined in the service agreement.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

13. Changes to Terms and Conditions

Biginius.com reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Clients are encouraged to review these Terms and Conditions periodically for updates or changes.

14. Acknowledgment

By engaging with our scholarship acquisition services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. You further agree to abide by the obligations outlined herein and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing

Name: Mr. S Mahakul
Position: Website manager