Educational loan Service Terms

At Biginius Consultancy Private Limited (, we understand that financing higher education can be a significant challenge for many students and their families. To address this need, we offer student educational loan services designed to provide financial assistance to eligible individuals pursuing their academic goals. Our service terms outline the terms and conditions governing the provision of student educational loans, ensuring transparency, fairness, and compliance with relevant regulations. Below are the comprehensive service terms for our student educational loan offerings:

1. Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for a student educational loan through, applicants must meet certain criteria, including:

  • Enrollment in an accredited educational institution or program.
  • Demonstrated financial need or creditworthiness.
  • Compliance with any additional requirements specified by the lending institution.
2. Loan Application Process:

a) Prospective borrowers must complete and submit a loan application form provided by b) The application form may require information such as personal details, educational background, financial status, and intended use of the loan proceeds. c) Upon receipt of the completed application, our consultancy will facilitate the submission of the application to one or more lending institutions on behalf of the applicant.

3. Loan Approval and Disbursement:

a) Loan approval and disbursement are subject to the policies and procedures of the lending institution(s) involved. b) does not guarantee loan approval or disbursement and is not responsible for any delays, denials, or other outcomes related to the loan application process. c) Once a loan is approved and disbursed by the lending institution, the borrower is responsible for adhering to the terms and conditions specified in the loan agreement.

4. Loan Terms and Conditions:

a) Borrowers are required to review and accept the terms and conditions outlined in the loan agreement provided by the lending institution. b) Loan terms may include, but are not limited to, the loan amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, grace period, fees, and penalties for late payments or default. c) It is the borrower’s responsibility to fully understand and comply with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.

5. Interest Rates and Fees:

a) Interest rates and fees associated with student educational loans vary depending on factors such as the lending institution, loan amount, repayment term, and the borrower’s creditworthiness. b) does not set or control interest rates or fees but may provide information and guidance on typical rates and charges for educational loans.

6. Repayment Schedule:

a) Borrowers are required to repay the loan according to the repayment schedule outlined in the loan agreement. b) The repayment schedule may include monthly, quarterly, or annual installments, depending on the terms negotiated with the lending institution. c) It is essential for borrowers to make timely payments to avoid default and potential consequences, such as penalties, fees, and damage to credit rating.

6.1. Loan Repayment Overview: a) Loan Terms: The terms of the educational loan, including the interest rate, repayment period, and repayment schedule, will vary depending on the specific loan product and lender. Biginius Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. assists clients in identifying suitable loan options and understanding the terms and conditions associated with each loan. b) Repayment Schedule: The repayment schedule outlines the timing and amount of each installment payment due for the educational loan. This schedule is provided by the lender and will be communicated to the client during the loan application process.

6.2. Loan Repayment Terms: a) Grace Period: Many educational loans offer a grace period, during which borrowers are not required to make payments. This period typically begins after the borrower graduates leaves school, or drops below half-time enrollment. The length of the grace period varies depending on the loan program and lender. b) Repayment Period: The repayment period is the timeframe during which borrowers are required to repay the loan. This period typically begins after the grace period ends and may last for several years, depending on the loan amount and terms. c) Interest Rate: The interest rate is the annual percentage charged by the lender for borrowing the loan amount. The interest rate may be fixed or variable and will impact the total amount repaid over the life of the loan. d) Loan Servicer: The loan servicer is the entity responsible for managing the loan account, processing payments, and providing customer service to borrowers. Borrowers will receive information from their loan servicer regarding repayment options, payment due dates, and account statements.

6.3. Repayment Options: a) Standard Repayment: Under the standard repayment plan, borrowers make fixed monthly payments over a set period, typically 10 years. This plan offers the fastest repayment timeline and may result in lower total interest costs compared to other repayment options. b) Graduated Repayment: The graduated repayment plan allows borrowers to start with lower monthly payments that gradually increase over time. This option may be beneficial for borrowers who expect their income to increase steadily over the repayment period. c)  Income-Driven Repayment: Income-driven repayment plans base the monthly payment amount on the borrower’s income and family size. These plans offer flexibility for borrowers experiencing financial hardship and may result in lower monthly payments, although they may extend the repayment period and increase the total amount repaid.

6.4. Managing Repayment: a) Payment Due Dates: Borrowers are responsible for making timely payments according to the repayment schedule provided by the lender. Payments are typically due on a monthly basis, although borrowers should check with their loan servicer for specific due dates. b) Automatic Payments: Many lenders offer the option to set up automatic payments, which deduct the monthly loan payment from the borrower’s bank account on the designated due date. Automatic payments can help borrowers avoid late payments and may qualify for interest rate discounts. c) Loan Consolidation: Borrowers with multiple student loans may choose to consolidate their loans into a single loan with one monthly payment. Loan consolidation can simplify repayment and may lower the monthly payment amount by extending the repayment period.

6.5. Loan Forgiveness and Discharge: a) Public Service Loan Forgiveness: Borrowers who work in qualifying public service positions may be eligible for loan forgiveness after making 120 qualifying payments under an income-driven repayment plan. b) Teacher Loan Forgiveness: Teachers who work in low-income schools or educational service agencies may be eligible for loan forgiveness after five consecutive years of teaching. c) Total and Permanent Disability Discharge: Borrowers who become totally and permanently disabled may be eligible for loan discharge, relieving them of their obligation to repay the loan.

6.6. Communication with Loan Servicer: a) Contact Information: Borrowers should maintain accurate contact information with their loan servicer to ensure they receive important notifications, such as payment due dates, account statements, and updates on repayment options. b) Customer Service: Borrowers should contact their loan servicer promptly with any questions or concerns about their loan account, repayment options, or financial circumstances. Loan servicers can provide assistance and guidance to help borrowers manage their student loan repayment effectively.

7. Grace Period and Deferment Options:

a) Some student educational loans may offer a grace period or deferment options, allowing borrowers to postpone or temporarily suspend loan payments under certain circumstances. b) Grace periods and deferment options are subject to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement and may vary among lending institutions. c) Borrowers must understand the implications of utilizing grace periods or deferment options and comply with any requirements specified by the lending institution.

8. Prepayment and Early Repayment:

a) Borrowers have the option to prepay or repay the loan in full before the scheduled maturity date. b) Prepayment may be subject to certain conditions or penalties specified in the loan agreement, such as prepayment fees or restrictions on partial prepayments. c) Borrowers considering prepayment should carefully review the terms and conditions of the loan agreement and consult with the lending institution if necessary.

9. Default and Remedies:

a) Failure to repay the loan according to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement may result in default. b) In the event of default, the lending institution may pursue remedies such as collection actions, legal proceedings, or reporting the default to credit bureaus. c) Defaulting on a student educational loan can have serious consequences, including damage to credit rating, wage garnishment, and legal action.

10. Loan Servicing and Customer Support:

a) com acts as an intermediary between borrowers and lending institutions for loan application facilitation. b) Loan servicing, including billing, payment processing, and customer support, is the responsibility of the lending institution, and borrowers should direct inquiries and requests for assistance to the appropriate servicer.

11. Confidentiality and Privacy:

a) respects the confidentiality and privacy of borrower information and complies with applicable privacy laws and regulations. b) The personal and financial information provided by borrowers is handled with the utmost confidentiality and is shared only with authorized personnel involved in the loan application process.

12. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

a) ensures compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines governing the provision of student educational loans. b) Our consultancy stays informed of changes in regulatory requirements and adjusts our practices and procedures accordingly to maintain compliance.

13. Independent Financial Advice:

a) encourages borrowers to seek independent financial advice before applying for a student educational loan. b) Independent financial advisors can provide valuable insights and assistance in evaluating loan options, understanding the terms and conditions, and making informed decisions about borrowing for educational purposes.

14. Modification of Service Terms:

a) reserves the right to modify or update the service terms for student educational loans at any time. b) Any changes to the service terms will be communicated to borrowers through our website, email, or other appropriate channels.

15. Client Acknowledgment:

a) By applying for a student educational loan through, borrowers acknowledge and accept the service terms outlined in the loan agreement and related documentation. b) Borrowers are encouraged to review the terms and conditions carefully and seek clarification on any aspects they do not understand before signing the loan agreement.

16. Legal Disclaimer:

a) provides student educational loan services as an intermediary and does not assume liability for any disputes, claims, or losses arising from the borrower’s interactions with lending institutions. b) Borrowers are advised to read the loan agreement carefully and consult with legal and financial advisors if needed before entering into any financial commitments.

In conclusion, is committed to providing transparent, fair, and compliant student educational loan services to help students finance their higher education. Our service terms are designed to protect the interests of borrowers while facilitating access to financing options that support their academic goals and aspirations.

Name: Mr. S Mahakul
Email: [email protected]
Position: Website manager